My name is Jarinya Tiparut . My nickname is Pum. My bithday is 17 July 1990. My hobbies is read carton book and listen to music. I am21 year old My field of study is English major and I study Education faculry.
วันศุกร์ที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555
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Directions: Find words or phrases standing for the following acronyms with
- IT = Information technology
- ICT = InfInformation and Communication Technology
- CAI = Computer-Assisted Instruction
- WBI = Web Based Intruction
- CMC = Computer Mediated Communicatiom
- MUD = Multi User Domains
- MOO = Matter Of Opinion
- CALL=Computer Assisted Language Learning
- TELL=Teaching English Language Learners
- CBI= Computer Based Instruction Base